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Our 'At the Movies' series is church like you've never experienced! We take scenes from inspiring films and apply biblical truths that you can apply to your daily life! Get ready for FREE cokes and popcorn  - we've saved a seat for you! 

  • What is At The Movies?
    During our annual 'At the Movies' series, we're taking Blockbuster hits and using them to frame biblical truths. Every story is about THE story and each of these movies have a redeeming plot line that reinforces truth from God's word. Grab a popcorn, a coke and get ready to have the most fun in church.
  • What can we expect during At The Movies?
    When you join us in-person, you and your family will enter a full movie theater experience! You'll enter a welcoming environment, engage in powerful worship music, and grab your favorite theater snacks from concessions! The entire experience will last about one hour and fifteen minutes.
  • What can I expect for my kids?
    Our Soma Kids team has created a special 'At the Movies' experience just for your kids! Each week, Soma Kids will spend time in worship, enjoy snacks, and learn more about God's love from an 'At the Movies' message created specially for them.
  • Can I watch online?
    Due to legal reasons, 'At the Movies' will not be archived or rebroadcast. There will be six opportunities each weekend across two locations to experience 'At the Movies' in-person, and we would love to have you join us. We will be streaming previously recorded content online during ATM.
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